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"Trade associations are the safeguards of small business and thus prevent the extinction of competition. With wisdom and devotion, their voluntary forces can accomplish more for your country than any spread of the hand of government.”

Herbert Hoover,1923

About Us

The Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) Association is a not for profit trade association organized under section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code. Members are firms, organizations and individuals engage in providing subsurface utility engineering services, as well as kindred and ancillary activities. SUEA is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the members and officers elected from the Board. SUEA operates under adopted bylaws.


As a 501(c)(6) organization, the SUE Association is a “business league”, exempt from federal income tax. Under this section of the IRS Code, SUEA can engage in activities to promote the common business interest of members and to improve conditions of business; and allows lobbying and other legislative activities. Dues, registration fees and other expenses paid to the SUE Association by members may be tax deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses under IRS rules.


The SUE Association is not intended to duplicate or compete with other trade associations or professional societies. Rather, it is complement those organizations and fill a void by having a specific focus on SUE practice, recognition of ASCE Standard 38-02, SUE education, advocacy, certification and best practices. It is the intent of the SUE Association to work cooperatively with other associations and societies on matters of mutual interest and to bring a SUE component to those other associations and organizations.

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Why SUE Association?


The SUE Association was formed by a group of principals, owners and partners in leading SUE firms to raise the profile of SUE practice; open a dialogue and exchange of information with clients of SUE services; promote SUE practice and best practices therein; and implement programs to make SUE more widely accepted and understood in the marketplace. The founding of the SUE Association is based on a belief that a void currently exists among trade associations and professional societies in engineering, surveying, and related fields that lacks attention to SUE practice and is not adequate to promote the SUE discipline in a manner that can be accomplished by a new, dedicated SUE organization.

Est. 2018

The Subsurface Utility Engineering Association was launched at a kick-off conference on July 26, 2018 in Washington, DC. The organizing conference’s attendees elected a board of directors, adopted bylaws, and approved a dues structure.  There were more than 40 firms and entities represented at the first conference. The attendees selected ten SUE professionals to lead the association in their first year. In addition, the attendees addressed the following:


  • Legislative Priorities

  • By-Law Amendments

  • Dues Structure


Board of Directors

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Daniel Checchia


Colliers Engineering & Design

Boca Raton, Florida


Nicholas Zembillas​

President - Elect

Subsurface Utility Engineering

Tarpon Springs, Florida


Joseph Porter


Lamb-Star Engineering, LLC

 Golden, Colorado


John Berrettini​


A/I/Data, Inc.
Baltimore, Maryland

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Clifford Meis


Utility Mapping Services, Inc.

 Clancy, Montana

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Robert Ramsey


T2 Utility Engineers

Phoenix, Arizona

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Art Worthman​



Raleigh, North Carolina

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Bryan  J. Teschke, PG, PGp

The Lexis Group

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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Rhett Sloan​


Surveying And Mapping, LLC
North Jackson, Ohio

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Lawrence Arcand


4Sight Utility Engineers

Whitby, ONT, Canada


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Education/Conference Program Committee

Members: Bryan Teschke (Co-Chair), Joe Porter (Co-Chair), Rhett Sloan (Co-Chair)

Shall plan and provide the education and conference programs of the SUE Association for recommendation to the Board of Directors; recommend a date, destination and format of an annual conference; recommend format, content and scheduling of webinars, workshops and other continuing education programs; Evaluate, organize, and assist staff in securing speakers for events and education programs; and work with staff to coordinate such programs on the conference schedule.

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Legislative / Government Affairs Committee

Members: Andrew Sylvest (Chairman)

Shall assist the SUE Association Board and staff in developing the annual Federal and state legislative agenda for SUE Association; be the “eyes and ears” of the association on Federal, state and local legislative issues and governmental actions by providing the SUE Association Board and staff with insights and ideas on issues, threats and opportunities to the membership that can and should be addressed by Federal legislation or government policy; assist the SUE Association staff in working to get SUE Association priorities into the legislative process; review pending legislation and advise the Board and staff on appropriate SUE Association actions to promote SUE Association priorities and defeat adverse legislation, and shall assist in securing key legislators and government officials to speak at SUE Association meetings.


Membership Committee

Members: John Berrettini (Chairman)

Shall review new member applications for proper membership category classification; work with staff to design, develop and implement programs to promote membership in SUE Association; assist staff with development of lists of prospective new members; evaluate ongoing membership activities, encourage new member recruitment by existing members, advise the SUE Association staff and Board on strategies to retain existing members; and explore non-dues income-generating benefits of membership for implementation by the Board and staff.

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Communications Committee

Members: Art Worthman (Chairman), Dan Checchia

Shall work with staff to design, develop and implement content to promote the SUE Association and its policies, programs and activities; provide content for the website, social media, news releases and other communications; assist the staff in the identification of trade press and other target audiences to utilize in disseminating news and information about the SUE Association; evaluate ongoing communications activities and recommend new communications activities to the SUE Association Board.

Past Presidents

  • John Berrettini - 2018-2019

  • Art Worthman - 2019-2021

  • Andrew Sylvest - 2021-2023​

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10340 Democracy Lane | Suite 300
Fairfax, VA 22030
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